
Nanoparticle Batteries – The next step for The Electric Vehicle Market

The Electric Vehicle (EV) market in 2019 was at 2.3 million vehicles and is projected to grow to 30 million vehicles by 2030. At the heart of this growth are government incentives and environmentally friendly policies. Policies such as the one recently enacted by the European Union, which set a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Today’s EV consumers are Early Adopters, however, if electric vehicles are to successfully contribute to the decarbonization of transportation, they must reach mainstream consumers. The problem is that mass EV adoption largely depends on the efficiency of the overall powertrain and battery of these vehicles.

Mainstream EV consumers will be tech-savvy, and they will demand better battery performance. Electric Vehicles with these improvements will not only be adopted at a large scale and replace today’s petrol vehicle, but they will create the sustainable e-mobility future the world is crying out for.

Silicon-based anode batteries are at the forefront to improve this industry. Silicon-based anode batteries have a higher energy density, improved cycle life, and faster charging times and are the most promising to meet the demands of mainstream EV customers. Total EV cost is an additional impediment to widespread adoption, but the most important hurdle to overcome for widespread adoption is battery performance.

Gen 2.0 EV batteries

Consumers demand a battery that can charge faster, last longer, and travel farther; and materials used in today’s batteries do not adequately meet this challenge. Battery manufacturers are solving these challenges by incorporating nanomaterials into Gen 2.0 EV batteries. The battery with the most promising design is the silicon anode battery that incorporates cyclohexasilane (CHS) and its unique benefits as a silicon precursor.   

Auto manufacturers including Daimler, Ford Motor Company, and Renault are investing billions of dollars in next-generation battery technology specifically to power their electric vehicle lines. Even Amazon has gotten into the game with a $700 million investment in Rivian, a truck EV startup, followed up by a $7 billion dollar order. The goal of these investments and strategic partnerships is to develop a Gen 2.0 EV battery that can charge faster, last longer, and travel farther on one charge, and through shrewd use of advanced materials, nanoparticles, and innovative designs the Gen 2.0 EV battery will deliver. One promising Gen 2.0 design is the silicon anode battery, and the best silicon source for this battery is Cyclohexasilane (CHS); a unique liquid silicon precursor able to deliver Gen 2.0 performance.

The Coretec Group

Coretec is currently working with Gen 2.0 battery designers to develop carbon-silicon nanostructures as a direct replacement for traditional graphite in high-energy lithium-ion batteries. A key advantage is the fast charge times, higher charge cycle life, and higher energy density. 2021 is an integral year for this industry and indeed The Coretec Group as we will see CHS evaluated for its unique ability to: maximize energy density to increase distance per charge, deliver higher lifetime charge cycles, and improve charge time to the equivalent of filling a gasoline vehicle.

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